About Walk Across Arkansas
Who can participate?
Anyone and everyone! The primary goal of Walk Across Arkansas is to help Arkansas meet national physical activity guidelines. Everyone is welcome to join!
Some suggestions of team categories: families, friends, work sites, teachers, youth (under age 18), seniors (65+), faith-based members, general (a combination of above).
What will we do?
Record the number of minutes you spend being physically active each day. Any moderate to vigorous physical activity – the type that increases your heart rate – counts
Is just walking allowed?
No! You can do any type of physical activity if you increase your heart rate or break a sweat. National physical activity guidelines recommend that adults achieve at least 150 minutes of aerobic physical activity and two strength training sessions per week.
- Hiking
- Biking
- Swimming
- Gardening or yard work
How will this program benefit me?
Our participants have share that they: had more energy, slept better, strengthened their relationships, lost weight, or inches, improved their blood pressure, improved their blood panels, controlled their stress.
How do I record my minutes?
You can log your minutes online by clicking here and entering your username and password that you create when you register, or you can contact your county Extension Agent for more information and forms. Find your local county here.
Can I record minutes for my team if they do not have computer access or their own usernames and passwords?
If you registered as the team captain, you can log your team members minutes online by clicking here or by selecting the Team Captains menu at the top of the page. You will click on Enter/View minutes for your team. You will be asked to login if you are not logged in already. You can also contact your county extension agent to enter the minutes if you are unable to do so.
Team Information:
Teams of 3 to 8 members, including the Team Captain, set physical activity goals and support each other to meet them through a friendly competition. For more information on the Walk Across Arkansas process, click here.
Walked with us before?
No problem! Just login using the username and password you used in the previous Walk Across Arkansas session.