Season 11 Scoreboard

Team Leaderboard

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Rank Team Name Team Size County Score Total Team Minutes % of Team Goal
1 Farmington Get Fit 10 Washington 2028 20283 129.0%
2 Pulaski County 4-H 12 Pulaski 1187 14240 67.2%
3 Solo Rapscallion 1 Washington 1167 1167 96.3%
4 Ladies And The Tramps 13 Benton 1114 14486 72.1%
5 Chips & Walkamole 6 Lincoln 1084 6504 164.2%
6 Boles Eh 7 Scott 1036 7255 239.9%
7 Chicot Extension Get Fit 7 Chicot 995 6965 157.2%
8 Texarkana Girls With Goals 3 Miller 947 2842 197.4%
9 Clark County Diehards 11 Clark 944 10383 51.5%
10 Pope County Power Walkers 6 Pope 916 5493 40.7%
11 New Horizon 3 Howard 910 2730 55.1%
12 Pricillalian Solegers 7 Montgomery 899 6295 39.5%
13 Uam Taylor Library 4 Drew 799 3196 152.2%
14 Hot Spring County Handy Homemakers 10 Hot Spring 778 7782 119.2%
15 Afic@Mco 6 Washington 774 4645 78.2%
16 Miller Movers 6 Miller 745 4469 50.2%
17 Get Off Your Butt Girls! 3 Crawford 712 2137 95.0%
18 Growing Stronger 9 Pulaski 697 6270 52.7%
19 Girls From The Section 2 Pike 595 1190 21.8%
20 Woodruff County Courthouse #1 12 Woodruff 570 6840 17.8%
21 Hci - Hr Hustlers 5 Polk 568 2840 86.9%
22 Calhoun County 4 Calhoun 565 2261 20.9%
23 Ouachita Phuds 5 Clark 518 2590 68.2%
24 Hci-Trek Tribe 8 Polk 517 4132 85.0%
25 Serentripity 4 Washington 510 2038 41.5%
26 Why Nots 9 Hot Spring 481 4333 57.7%
27 Lonoke Office 7 Lonoke 437 3059 45.0%
28 Sole Sisters 6 Little Rock State Office 413 2479 60.2%
29 Drew Steppers 2 Drew 411 821 16.6%
30 Not Fast, Just Furious 11 Pulaski 403 4431 58.7%
31 De Queen Ehc 4 Sevier 388 1552 41.2%
32 Hci Strongher Squad 15 Arkansas 388 5823 76.8%
33 The Admin Strollers 6 Pulaski 354 2125 15.6%
34 Grant County Fitness Trackers 7 Grant 334 2340 56.8%
35 Walking Stars 10 Benton 323 3230 14.4%
36 Eh Steppers 3 Howard 307 920 23.2%
37 Montgomery County Crystals 4 Montgomery 301 1204 42.6%
38 Wow! (Women Out Walking) 4 White 292 1166 46.9%
39 Pike County Steppers 3 Pike 257 770 73.1%
40 Fcs Wiggleworms 8 Pulaski 247 1978 36.4%
41 Hci Lab Rats 4 Arkansas 242 967 26.0%
42 Hci-Pase Makers 5 Polk 236 1181 33.1%
43 Walkin On Sunshine 9 Jefferson 227 2040 6.2%
44 Steppin On The Prairie 2 Prairie 205 410 45.6%
45 You've Got To Move It, Move It 1 Washington 170 170 28.3%
46 Logan Lappers 2 Logan 159 317 50.3%
47 Chicot Striders 4 Chicot 151 605 35.4%
48 Happy Feet 2 Stone 140 280 23.3%
49 Cleburne County 3 Cleburne 127 380 17.7%
50 Craighead Stroll Patrol 3 Craighead 124 372 32.6%
51 Union County Walkers 3 Union 120 360 12.0%
52 Hci Teeter Tots 6 Hot Spring 108 645 24.2%
53 The Hobbling Hobbits 3 Garland 108 325 13.2%
54 Annex Walkers 2 Washington 85 170 15.7%
55 Hci- Bustling Bees 7 Polk 75 525 16.7%
56 Richmountain Next Step 5 Polk 59 295 5.3%
57 Manchester Ehc 4 Clark 56 225 9.4%
58 Creative Cloverbuds 4-H 1 Cross 55 55 6.1%
59 Cross County Sonic Sippers 5 Cross 48 240 3.9%
60 Wilson's Walkers 1 Arkansas 25 25 5.6%
61 G.O.A.T. 1 Franklin 0 0 0.0%
62 Wingo4thewin 1 Garland 0 0 0.0%
63 Pacesetters 1 Izard 0 0 0.0%
64 Carbie Barbies 1 Independence 0 0 0.0%
65 Camden Rd Walkers 1 Jefferson 0 0 0.0%
66 Fairhills2025 2 Nevada 0 0 0.0%
67 Pinky & The Brains 1 Mississippi 0 0 0.0%
68 Pavel Family 3 Washington 0 0 0.0%
69 Csbg Wildcats 3 Saline 0 0 0.0%
70 Too Cute Crew 1 Particapting From Outside Arkansas 0 0 0.0%
71 Fit & Furious 6 Columbia 0 0 0.0%
72 Hearty Steppers 1 Jefferson 0 0 0.0%
73 Butcher’S B’S 1 Grant 0 0 0.0%
74 Get Fit 1 Garland 0 0 0.0%
75 Hci-Girlgang 5 Arkansas 0 0 0.0%
76 Ctrl+Alt+Defeat 2 Little Rock State Office 0 0 0.0%
77 Pedestrians 1 Hot Spring 0 0 0.0%
78 Bustling Bees 2 Arkansas 0 0 0.0%
79 Jackson Co Walkers 3 Jackson 0 0 0.0%
80 Cheerful Soles 1 Arkansas 0 0 0.0%
81 Cyber Dolphins! 1 Arkansas 0 0 0.0%
82 Kameryn Stoltze 1 Stone 0 0 0.0%
83 Stoltze 3 Arkansas 0 0 0.0%
84 Walking For Fun 1 Montgomery 0 0 0.0%
85 Chips And Walkamole 1 Lincoln 0 0 0.0%
86 Howard County Haulers 1 Arkansas 0 0 0.0%